Monday, September 30, 2013

About this Blog

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Up till now, we've been like baby eagles, always having our parents watching over us, giving us advice or comforting us about the new and stressful situations that are to come in our lives. It is now as graduates, we are pushed out of the nest and must fly out into the world on our own to figure things out in a very dangerous and cut throat world that preys upon the naive'. The one course you'll never learn at college that matters most, is what you are going to do with the rest of your life and how to become a somebody in the world. Those you must search for within and work hard at everyday to make it.

The sad truth is, while you were living it up on campus for the last four years, it never occurred to you at the time you might have to go out and get, God forbid, a real 9 to 5 job. Unless your dad, uncle, aunt, sister, brother, mother, or cousin owns or has inside connections with an entry level position at a corporation, most of us are going to have to pound the pavement and beat down doors in order to get that first job because lets face it, with the new economy, there are excess number of people out of work right now with more experience and qualifications to work for those same jobs than us, and employers get to be picky about whom they want to come work for them now.

This blog is written for people like myself, who are recent graduates trying to make a name for themselves in the world and figure out what the hell they are doing in the mean time. This is my first hand experience of how I entered the "real world" and advice I have to give you all who are currently doing the same.

I hate to burst your bubble, if you think for one minute you're as valuable as the fancy piece of paper you possess says you are, you're in for a big shock my friend, because as of today, you are a tiny fish in a big pond. You're only as good as the skills and experience you have and the connections you add over time. Get ready to fight off all of the sharks and schools of fish to swim your way to the top of the corporate ladder one day at a time.

Your life as an adult starts now.

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